What is your favorite garden decor? Share your thoughts in the comments!

Garden Decor: Urns along the wall via Instagram

Garden Decor: Urns along the wall

While I can appreciate both traditional and modern garden elements, there is something about garden decor that recalls the past that touches something fundamental in the human spirit.

I spotted these ersatz Greek amphorae in the middle of Beverly Hills, but for one small moment I was transported to a hillside villa — perhaps in Italy — where the wine flowed like water and life itself was just a bit easier.

Too often we discount the effect that our garden can have on us and, more importantly, our visitors. My own, rather unkempt back garden, transport visitors to a tranquil woodland (as many have told me directly) even though it exists in the middle of one of the biggest cities in the world.

In order to enjoy your garden more, you must see it through the eyes of your guests.

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