Hosta sieboldiana ‘Dorothy Benedict’
ViaDonna MacKenzie on Pinterest
Interesting Plant: Hosta sieboldiana ‘Dorothy Benedict’
Registered by Dorothy’s husband, Dr. Ralph (Herb) Benedict in 1983, this large (26 inches high) hosta has blue-green with yellow streaked variegation. The foliage is heavily corrugated, has thick substance and is convexly cupped. Dense clusters of near white flowers bloom in mid June to July. – The Hosta Helper
I love the spiral design on this plant, as well as the somewhat larger size than you usually see in a begonia. I could foresee several shadier spots in the garden that could benefit from something as striking as this. I think it would be an amazing focal point in any garden.
More information on Begonias:
- More images of Hosta ‘Dorothy Benedict’ at Google Image Search
- Hosta ‘Dorothy Benedict’ from the Hosta Helper
Previously in the Interesting Plant series:
- Begonia “Escargot”
- Asparagus Pea (Psophocarpus tetragonolobus)
- Rosa banksiae (Lady Banks’ Rose)
- Primula ‘Victoriana Silver Laced Black’
- Oxalis versicolor
- Poached Egg Plant (Limnanthes douglasii)
- Parisian Carrots
- Fritillaria imperialis Rubra Maxima
- Clematis “Fascination”
- Swiss Chard “Bright Lights”
- Georgia Rattlesnake Melon
- Dianthus Barbathus “Green Ball” or “Green Trick”
- Coleus “Religious Radish”
- Black Forest Calla Lily
- Black Bamboo