Navigating the special difficulties of a high-tech career
can be troublesome for workers, young and old. Career Opportunities,
a weekly column for ComputorEdge Magazine in San Diego, California and
Colorado Springs, Colorado, has addressed these issues for almost 7
While simultaneously developing his own high-tech career, author Douglas
E. Welch has shared his insights, trials, setbacks and successes with
his readers. The High-Tech Career Handbook collects the best columns
from 1997-2002 into a book for all high-tech careerists, whether they
are just starting out, building their career or looking for a new career
in the high-tech world.
Topics covered in the columns include getting your career
started, ethics, fairness and the benefits of doing honest business,
personal development, professional development, and the tips and tricks
for transitioning into a mature career.
Order your copy
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