February 2000 |
As if there weren't enough confusing things about computers, software manufacturers seem determined to confuse things even farther. Certainly computers have many benefits for us, but too often programmers go "hog wild" with features that give us too many ways to get into too much trouble.
The next time you are sitting at your computer contemplating that next round of Solitaire let me offer a different kind of game that is interesting as well as educational.
What are all those icons in the My Computer folder and what do they do?
You can wring some extra performance out of your computer but don't expect it to run like a brand new machine.
January 2000 |
Don't let your computer drive your crazy.
Sometimes our own mistakes make our computers harder to use.
What is an Internet Service Provider and why do you need one?
How to stop hype, like that surrounding Y2K, from ever happening again
December 1999 |
What is that http:// before an Internet address? Here is a handy guide!
Don't be so quick to install all your programs on a fancy new computer or you could cause more harm than good.
There are fewer and fewer excuses for not backing up your data when free Internet storage sites are available.
A few tips to make sure you buy the best children's tech toys
November 1999 |
A few tips to make your online shopping better
Stop spreading virus and other hoaxes. Check them out first!
Getting your email while traveling needn't be difficult.
How do we get all the information on the Web for free? We pay with our eyeballs.
When is a computer truly useless? The answer might surprise you!
October 1999 |
A few simple guidelines can keep you on the right track
You can find lost friends and relatives using Internet resources
A few simple items can help you get better tech support no matter who you call
Universal inboxes seek to integrate email, fax and voice mail in one interface
September 1999 |
August 1999 |
August 30, 1999
Douglas E. Welch is a freelance writer and computer consultant
in Van Nuys, California. He also writes Career Opportunities, a weekly column on high-tech careers and A Gardener's Notebook. You can find more of Douglas' writing on his web page at:
He can reached via email at
All text and photos © 1999 Douglas E. welch