
Douglas E. Welch is available to speak to your group or association

The Internet is exploding and with it, people's interest in how it effects their lives, homes and busineses. Misconceptions abound and most people are left with no one to turn to for honest and clear information.

Ican offer your professional association, user group, or employees a clear view of the Internet and how it functions. This then allows them to understand how the Internet fits into their unique business plans and how they can use the available tools to build a better business.

As a member of many computer user groups over the years, I have presented programs ranging from beginner topics to advanced concepts for groups from 1 to 100.

My writing, for both national and local publications, has covered this same wide range. I am regularly published in such magazines as Electronic Retailing, netProfits$, Network World, Infoworld, Wired, Macworld and many others. A full listing of my writing credits is available on this site as well.

As a columnist for ComputorEdge Magazine, I am exploring the important aspects of building and maintaining a Hi-Tech Career. My previous columns for LAMG's MacDigest and Small Business Computing have always focused on helping the experienced businessperson understand computer concepts.

My current position as a freelance writer and consultant provides me a unique position and allows me to cut through the hype and the bluster. As the former Director of MIS for Hollywood Online, I am experienced with what it takes to develop, install and maintain high capacity web sites. Previous to that, my 5 years as a Senior Microcomputer Analyst for Walt Disney Imagineering gave me a deep understanding of the operations of large corporations and their online systems.

My sessions for Networks Expo '96 in Boston and Dallas ranked very high among attendees who enjoyed my abilty to make the sessions interesting, entertaining and pertinent to their real-world challanges.

Itailor my sessions to your audience, whether that be prepared remarks and/or an open Q&A session.

You can contact me via electronic mail ( or phone (818-781-6955) so we can discuss your needs and scheduling requirements.

Note: Host organization must provide travel expenses outside of the Greater Los Angeles Area.