WelchWrite Notes
Douglas E. Welch, The WelchWrite Company, Inc.
818-781-6955 | douglas@welchwrite.com | www.welchwrite.com

Back up to CD (Mac OS X)

Insert blank CD-R/CD-RW into drive

The Action menu should read “Open Finder”

Enter a descriptive name

Click OK

Open a Finder window by double-clicking the Finder icon at the far left-hand side of the Dock

If the sidebar showing your disk drives and standard folders (i.e. Applications, Documents, Pictures, etc.) is not visible
Select the View menu, Show Toolbar

Click on the Home button in the sidebar

In the right-hand window, click and drag the Documents folder to CD icon in the upper left-hand window

This icon will have the name you provided in earlier

Your computer will copy the select folders/files to a temporary holding spot, waiting to be written to the CD

Note: If you Documents folder is too large to fit on 1 CD, you may need to select individual folders/files inside the Documents folder and copy them to CD in appropriately-sized groups.

Note: If you are using Microsoft Entourage as your email program, backing up the entire Documents folder will also back up all your existing email. You can also back up your email information separately by copying the Microsoft User Data folder which resides inside the Documents folder.

Click the Burn symbol, next to the CD icon

This looks something like the symbol for radioactivity

The files will be burned to the CD

After the burn, the CD icon will turn into a standard CD icon, minus the CD-R lettering

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