December 22, 2000
It is hard to believe that another year is about to end. I hope all of you had a fun and productive year. Of course, as many tech workers are finding, the future doesn't look quite as bright as it did last year. As the Internet sector moves from childhood into its teen years you will find that both money and perks might be harder to find. Along with this general slowdown you might experience setbacks both known and unforeseen. The most important action you can take right now is to spend a few minutes to organize both your personal, professional and financial life.
December 15, 2000
The end of the year always brings a deluge of predictions for the coming one. Of course, as this entire year has proven, we have little idea how anything will work out in 2001. In many people's eyes this was to be the year of disaster, with catastrophic failures in everything from your toaster to the entire power grid. Thankfully, very little actually went wrong and the year has continued much the same as others. Of course, in non-technology areas the world remained as unpredictable as ever. That said, I will offer a few words on what 2001 might bring to you as a high-tech careerist.
December 8, 2000
As most of you already know, competition for high-tech talent is at an all-time high. Companies are finding it more and more important to retain the talent they have since it is so difficult and costly to attract new talent. This has led many companies to increase both the quality and variety of incentives to keep employees from "jumping ship." While this can lead to some amazing opportunities, it can also reduce your career options and lock you into a company you would rather leave.
December 1, 2000
Pursuing a high-tech career can be a wild and wooly ride. Read any of the industry magazines and you will find stories both fascinating and horrific. Some people might think a high-tech career can be a ticket to easy wealth and security, but it is always important to remember that the big players in the game usually only have their own best interests at heart. If you don’t look out for yourself you could end up just another casualty of the dot-com battlefield.
November 24, 2000
As high-tech workers we often have a regular set of tools; the screwdriver, the pliers, the CAT 5 cable maker, but increasingly we have a set of knowledge tools as well. These resources, whether print, online or personal contacts, allow us to do much better work than might otherwise be possible. While each discipline of high-tech work has its own vernacular and resources, here are a few "tools of the trade" that might help you on the way to a better job and a better career.
November 17, 2000
Take advantage of the holidays
As you probably know, most companies tend to slow down around the holiday season, unless, of course, they are in a business directly related to holiday retail or events. We look forward to this slower pace as we wind down to the end of the year, but you might want to take a different approach this time. While the holidays may not be the best time to look for a new job (See Holiday Recharge, December 1998, <>), you can turn these slow times to your advantage.
November 10, 2000
These days a career rarely consists of only one job worked until retirement and rewarded with a gold watch. No matter how secure or happy you might feel in your current job there will come a time when you will need to look for a new one. Sometimes, though, people ignore their most important resource when they start the search for the next step in their career -- their personal network of connections.
November 3, 2000
Talk to any high-tech worker today and one of the first laments you will hear is, "I don't have time for a life, I am too busy working!" While this is unfortunate on so many levels it has lead to a new type of socializing in both business and personal lives--the mailing list.
October 27, 2000
Imagine this scenario…one day, out of the blue, your brother or sister comes to you with a new business idea. This might be some hot, high-tech, Internet new economy startup or opening a new retail establishment at the local mall. Regardless of the type of business, there are a few issues that are very important when you contemplate going into business with a family member. This week I will offer a few ways to insure that your new partnership doesn't put undo strain on your family and vice versa.
October 20, 2000
Over the past several years of Career Opportunities I have written about a variety of problems that can effect you as a high-tech worker. This week's theme provides a perfect reason to revisit some of these issues and reiterate the most pressing problems you might face as you develop your computer career.
October 13, 2000
When most people think of adult education they think of graduate degree programs like an MBA, technical certification programs like MCSE or CNE, or community college extension programs. In reality, some of the best adult education you can find might be sitting next to you in your own office or on the Internet. Too often we ignore the experience of our co-workers and the availability of information on the Internet when we think about upgrading or changing our careers.
October 6, 2000
The Internet economy is filled with stories about fortunes made and lost. While I would love to be able to tell you how to be the next Internet millionaire, the truth is most people make money the old-fashioned way -- they earn it. Despite all that might be new and different in the "new" economy" there are a few business guidelines that apply to all businesses whether they are based on the Internet or not.
September 29, 2000
There comes a time in every high-tech career when important decisions need to be made. Unfortunately, you are often forced to make these decisions at exactly the wrong time. When you are looking for work, unexpectedly downsized or just unhappy with your current job you aren't in the right place to make decisions that might effect the rest of your career, if not the rest of your life.
September 22, 2000
Security for your company and your career
Most computer security discussions today focus on the Internet, firewall systems, and anti-virus programs, but high-tech careerists will find that security goes far beyond that. Too often the weakest links in the security chain are the people who develop and use the technology.
September 15, 2000
Communication vs. Presentation
In an age when everyone, even your grandmother, seems to be creating Microsoft PowerPoint slide shows, your ability to present your ideas has become more important than ever.
September 8, 2000
To many high-school students don't understand the diversity of high-tech careers available to them.
September 1, 2000
Sometimes, in very specific circumstances, giving away your knowledge can be a way to generate more business.
August 25, 2000
Take a few minutes to do some work on your career problems.
August 18, 2000
Surviving a high-tech shutdown
Internet startups are attracting more and more technical talent every day, but lately we are starting to see an increase in companies that can't get through their growing pains.
August 11, 2000
It is almost impossible to believe that the summer is coming to an end. In another couple of weeks children will be returning to school with new notebooks, backpacks and, hopefully, a little bit of excitement towards what they will learn this year. Whether you are watching your own children go off to school or merely watching the neighborhood children, this month is a good one to go back to school yourself. Nothing succeeds in the high-tech career market like knowledge, so send yourself back to school.
August 4, 2000
Are we, as computer professionals, capable of writing software and building hardware that is good enough to become part of people's lives in ever more intimate ways?
July 28, 2000
Paying attention to the actions of your elected representatives is becoming more and more important to your career.
July 21, 2000
Is web site design really a business?
July 14, 2000
We always underestimate the time people need to accept and embrace new technology.
July 7, 2000
You don't have to be a high-tech star to be a success.
June 30, 2000
You can't do everything yourself. Partner with other high-tech workers to get the best projects.
June 23, 2000
How will you fare when the tech industry consolidation occurs?
June 16, 2000
How will you fare when the tech industry consolidation occurs?
June 9, 2000
Sometimes the best thing for your job is spending more time at home.
June 2, 2000
The "perfect job" is a myth, but there are ways to find the best fit for you.
May 26, 2000
Give your boss a helping hand and you just might open doors to a new career.
May 19, 2000
How do you react when another company or recruiter comes knocking on your door?
May 12, 2000
Networking need not carry smarmy associations. There are ways to network without being annoying.
May 5, 2000
Where do you draw the line when making friends out of business associates?
April 28, 2000
A few sites to help your career take off.
April 21, 2000
Your home office often makes the first impression on your clients
April 14, 2000
The most important aspect of any computer program is the ability to import/export data
April 7, 2000
What to do when you don't know what to do?
Taking stock in your career can help you decide on your next step
March 31, 2000
As more companies computerize your action effect more and more people
March 24, 2000
When companies decide to merge you need to start looking for a way out.
March 17, 2000
Take some time to help those around you.
March 10, 2000
Don't place yourself in the position of having to defend yourself against legal action.
March 3, 2000
We were all computer illiterate once. Treat new users accordingly.
February 25, 2000
Knowing more and more can help you build your career. Don't become overly specialized.
February 18, 2000
Don't let an overly-specifc advertisement dissuade you from applying for any job.
February 11, 2000
There are a few common career mistakes that can easily be avoided.
February 4, 2000
If you want to help your own career you can start by helping others.
January 28, 2000
Don't ignore the Macintosh if you want to widen your career
January 21, 2000
Start now on your retirement planning
It is never to soon to start thinking about retirement, especially for computer careerists
January 14, 2000
Windows upgrades always bring headaches.
January 7, 2000
Investments in education and tools can help your career