The Chaos
of Choice
September 30, 2005
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When you are starting a new project or pitching a new
client, do you ever feel overwhelmed by the choices available? I know it
cannot just be me, so at the risk of surrendering my computer consultant
badge for all time, I am going to make some very personal confessions. Lately
I have found it horribly confusing to decide which hardware, which software,
which server, which printer to recommend to all my varying clients. At times,
it seems to absorb much more time than I think it should. Still, projects
seem to turn out for the best, even if my initial thoughts are a bit confused.
Choice above all else
I know, for Americans, choice is considered a fundamental
right. Not only do we deserve the right to choose, but we also deserve
the largest number of choices possible. If I want a vanilla ice cream
cone, made with chocolate ice cream, I should be able to get it. While
that is a ludicrous example, there is a grain of truth within. In today’s
high-tech market, consumers are often given choices that, in the end,
really don’t make a lot of sense. Still, for most people, it is
the quantity of choices, not the quality that make them happiest.
Of course, such a bounty of choices leaves me staggered sometimes. Not
only do you have to make the big choices, Mac vs. PC, Windows vs. Linux,
you also have to make the smaller choices, 120 GB hard disk or 360 GB,
1 GB of RAM or 512MB, the blue one or the pink one. The choices provided
are almost that ludicrous, at times. Still, we all have to make a decision
eventually, so even though you might have misgivings and wonder if you
have made the right choice, you do have to make it. There are ways, though,
to help you make better decisions among the choices you have.
From the outside, in
So, how do you start weeding out the choices for your project?
First, you have to have as much information as possible from your client.
What type of work do they do? How many people do they have? How much data
do they store? All the usual questions, and more. Dig a little deeper.
Do they have a preferred vendor? Do they have a preferred manufacturer?
Do they want it to be red, blue or pink? Sometimes clients have had dealings
with vendors and manufacturers that have left them cold. You don’t
necessarily want to recommend a vendor, only to bring up bad memories.
Once you have learned all you can from you client, turn to your collection
of high-tech peers and get their input. It is rare I make any major recommendation
or purchase for a client until I run it by my friend and colleague, Sam.
Sam not only is a high-tech expert, he also has something I am sorely
lacking, experience in sales. Whenever I find myself overwhelmed by the
“chaos of choice” a quick email, IM or phone call can usually
get me back on track. Where I might have to create a small spreadsheet
to compare features and prices, he can quickly rule out entire product
lines with his insight. If you don’t have an advisory board of peers
that you can turn to at a moment’s notice, start building one today.
You will find that while someone else may be an advisor to you on one
particular issue, you can often provide the same services for them on
some other topic. This isn’t a one way street. Everyone benefits.
Hopefully, your advisory board will pare down the choices to a more manageable
level. Then you can turn to various online resources such as review web
sites, user forums and such to give you more insight into your, now more
limited, choices. For me, it makes little sense to start doing Google
searches or looking at vendor web sites until I have a more manageable
list of choices. Without a smaller area of focus, online tools just lead
me deeper into the chaos.
If you find yourself a bit confused when trying to specify equipment and
software, you aren’t alone. Everyone, from the newly-minted IT staffer,
to the grizzled tech consultant can find themselves mired in the chaos
of choice. The best way to resolve this confusion, though, is to work
from the outside in, hacking the choices down to a manageable size and
then whittling these possibilities down to a perfect match for you and
your client.