Video: 3 Aspects of Opportunity from “A Year of Opportunity”

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From “A Year of Opportunity” – Career Opportunities Podcast with Douglas E. Welch)

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Building a successful career in 2014 requires that we focus on 3 things this year, including:

1. Attracting Opportunity 2. Recognizing Opportunity 3. Accepting Opportunity

Join Douglas E. Welch for deeper exploration of the Year of Opportunity and what it can bring for you!

Thomas Edison is quoted as saying “”Opportunity is missed by most people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” This is still true today. Work that expands our lives and careers should be sought out and embraced, even if there is a bit of hard work involved. In fact, most opportunities worth pursuing require hard work of some sort. Life doesn’t often give you gold simply for being you. You need to share your knowledge and show your worth and this often means some long hours, if not actual physical labor.

Douglas is writer and host of Career Opportunities, a long running column and podcast dedicated to “Helping to Build the Career You Deserve!” Career Opportunities began in 1997 as a magazine column and expanded to a podcast in 2004. Douglas is also a New Media Consultant, Technology and Career Consultant with over 30 years experience in high-tech. You can find all of Douglas’ work at

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