Career Tips from February 2012

Here are the Career Tips and questions shared via the @careertips Twitter account.

  • [Tip] Do you closely follow news about the publicly traded company where you work? You should. Employees are often the last to know.
  • [Tip] Let interviewers know as much good information about you as possible. Make them look forward to seeing you in the office every day
  • New Booklet: Career Compass: Finding Your Career North –
  • [Tip] What do you say behind people’s back? What would you do if they did the same? Paybacks can be nasty.
  • Amazon Prime users can read my books for free. Please take a look and review if you like them. Thanks! –
  • [Tip] At work, never assume that someone understands you. Have them say it back in their own words to be sure. If not, try again.
  • [?] What is your secret to career success? What skils, talent or attitude help you build the career you deserve?
  • [Tip] What work do you do best? Think — How can you do more of it? How can you get even better at it? Now go and do it!
  • [Tip] I Like This – 50 Blogs for Your Must Read List –
  • [Tip] Mondays are time to re-group, make plans and get started on this week’s accomplishments. Don’t let them be filled with dread.
  • [?] What is keeping you from changing jobs this year? Fear, insurance, income? Could you do better somewhere else?
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