Historical Cooking Books – 49 in a series – Self Help Wartime Cooking Suggestions

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Historical Cooking Books – 49 in a series – Self Help Wartime Cooking Suggestions

Self Help Wartime Cooking Suggestions  with correction 0000

Self Help Wartime Cooking Suggestions  with correction 0001

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1. To clarify fat for cooking:—

(a) Put into saucepan with plenty of water. Bring to the boil, then stand in a cool place till set. Lift out the set fat, scrape any sediment from the under side. All gravy and sediment will remain in saucepan.

(b) Melt fat and add a potato cut in quarters. When the potato is browned, and the fat stops bubbling, strain the fat through a double cheese cloth and store in a cool, dry place.

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Substitute for Whipped Cream.

2. Add a sliced banana to the white of an egg, and beat until very stiff. The banana will dissolve.

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Instead of Dry Toast.

To Those Who Like Their Bread Buttered Before It Is Toasted.

3. Did you ever try bacon dripping instead of the hard-to-get butter? Just spread it on lightly before toasting.

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How to Tell When a Cake is Done.

4. If layer cake pan is used, press very lightly on top of cake with flat of your finger. If the slight dent springs back, cake is done. If deep pan or loaf pan is used, insert a wire cake tester, or if you do not have one, a clean straw in centre of cake. If it comes out dry, without dough sticking to it, your cake is finished baking.

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To Save Sugar. . .

5. To save sugar add pinch of soda when stewing fruit.

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